Looking for friends with benefits can be fun but tricky. If you’re wondering how to find friends with benefits, this post will break it down for you. From what FWB relationships are to finding potential partners and how to start the conversation, we’ve got you covered. Let’s get started and make it easy for you.

Quick Hits

  • FWB arrangements are friendship with physical intimacy without emotional attachment, companionship without the demands of a relationship.
  • Choosing the right partner means balancing familiarity with emotional distance, mutual interest and compatibility and setting boundaries from the start.
  • You can find FWB opportunities through dating apps like Instafuck and OkCupid, social circles and social events but maintaining such relationships requires regular communication, respect for boundaries and safe sex.

What is Friends with Benefits

To find and have friends with benefits, you need to understand what this type of arrangement is. FWB relationships sit in a space in between human connections, friendship with physical intimacy without the expectations of a romantic relationship. They are casual and no emotional attachment, that’s why it’s a great option for those who want companionship and physical pleasure without the demands of a regular relationship.

But as with any dynamic, FWB arrangements have its own set of challenges and considerations. Breaking down the components of these relationships will give you a better idea of what you’re getting into.

What is FWB

At its simplest, a friends with benefits relationship is a casual, non-romantic connection that’s all about mutual physical pleasure without emotional attachment. This type of arrangement means:

  • Two people who like each other
  • Are physically attracted to each other
  • Have no intention to pursue a more serious romantic relationship.

The “friends” part of the equation means camaraderie and trust, the “benefits” means the sexual part. Remember, FWB relationships are not traditional friendships or romantic relationships, they occupy a unique benefits situation where physical intimacy is allowed without emotional attachment or long term plans.

FWB vs Casual Hookups

While FWB relationships and casual hookups may seem similar on the surface, there are some key differences. Unlike casual hookups which are usually one time or very short term flings, FWB arrangements involve an ongoing physical connection and some level of friendship. This means FWB partners often have a pre-existing platonic relationship or at least a level of familiarity before introducing the sexual element.

The “friendship” part of FWB relationships usually involves spending time together outside the bedroom, doing activities and having emotional support that goes beyond physical attraction. What sets FWB relationships apart from casual hookups and more serious romantic relationships is the focus on unbridled pleasure and passionate encounters without emotional strings.

Pros and Cons of FWB

FWB relationships can have many benefits if you enter into it with clear understanding and mutual agreement. Here are some of the advantages:

  • Companionship and physical intimacy without the pressures and demands of a committed romantic relationship
  • For those who are focused on their career, personal growth or just not ready for a serious commitment
  • Friendship, romance and intimacy without the expectations of long term planning or emotional investment that comes with traditional dating

Knowing the risks and challenges of FWB relationships is important especially if you’re looking for a serious relationship in the future. For these to work, both parties need to be comfortable with the casual nature of the relationship and set clear boundaries. One key to successful FWB relationships is to keep emotional talk to a minimum. This will keep the arrangement spicy and carefree and prevent deeper feelings from developing that can complicate the dynamic.

Checking in with yourself and your partner regularly is key to make sure the arrangement still works for both of you and doesn’t cross into more emotional territory. It’s just a matter of open communication and understanding.

Finding FWB Partners

Now that we’ve established what FWB relationships are, let’s talk about how to find partners for this type of arrangement. One way FWB relationships start is between platonic friends who discover they have a mutual physical attraction but aren’t interested in a romantic relationship. Another way is through casual sexual encounters that gradually evolve into a more regular friendship with benefits.

When looking for a FWB partner, it’s usually best to look for someone who isn’t deeply involved in your personal life as this can help maintain emotional distance and reduce complications. Ideal candidates are people who are physically attractive but not part of your long term plans. Digging deeper into how to choose the right partner for a FWB relationship is next.

Choosing the Friend

Choosing wisely is crucial when considering a friend for a FWB relationship. Choosing a trusted friend will give you a sense of comfort and safety in the arrangement. But striking a balance between familiarity and emotional distance is key. The ideal FWB partner is someone who understands and respects the boundaries of this type of relationship, knows it’s not romantic but physical.

Usually it’s best to avoid choosing friends within your friend group who you’ve shared deep personal secrets with or who have seen you at your most vulnerable. This separation helps keep the relationship casual and reduces the risk of developing deeper emotional attachments that can complicate the arrangement or lead to a committed relationship.

Screening for Mutual Interest

After you’ve found a potential FWB partner, you need to check if there’s mutual interest in this type of relationship. This requires a gentle approach especially if you’re considering someone within your social circle. Avoid assumptions and focus on clear communication.

Start by having open conversations about sexual preferences and boundaries to test compatibility. Talking about expectations upfront, including the level of exclusivity you both want, will ensure you’re on the same page from the start. Remember for a FWB relationship to work both parties need to explicitly agree to the terms of the arrangement. This mutual understanding is the foundation for a happy and drama free FWB.


In a FWB relationship compatibility goes beyond physical attraction. Choosing a friend who is physically attractive but not emotionally connected to you is key. This balance helps keep the arrangement casual and mutually satisfying. When considering FWB partners think about physical chemistry and shared sexual interests.

You also need to make sure you both have the same views on boundaries and expectations for the relationship. This alignment will prevent misunderstandings and conflicts later on. Remember the goal is to find someone who can give you physical intimacy and companionship without the complications of romantic attachment or conflicting expectations.

Where to Find FWB

Now that we’ve covered the basics of finding potential FWB partners, let’s talk about where to actually find them. In this digital age there are many ways to find a friends with benefits relationship. One popular option is to use FWB dating sites which can save you time, money and energy by connecting you directly with like minded people. Many of these sites offer free basic versions so you can try before you commit. Here are some popular FWB dating sites:

  • Tinder
  • OkCupid
  • AdultFriendFinder
  • Feeld
  • Pure

These sites are a quick and discreet way to find FWB partners where you can specify what you want and connect with others who want the same.

While online platforms are a good starting point, they’re not the only way to find FWB partners. Exploring different ways to connect with potential FWB both online and offline is key.

Dating Apps

Dating apps have become the go to for many in the FWB space, they’ve changed the dating game. Popular apps like:

  • Tinder
  • OKCupid
  • Adult Friend Finder
  • Plenty of Fish

have a large pool of potential partners each with their own unique features and user base. One of the advantages of using dating apps is you can state your intentions in your profile so you can align mutual interests from the start.

Some popular dating apps for finding FWB (friends with benefits) connections:

  • Tinder: Has a user base of people looking for serious relationships to those looking for casual arrangements so it’s a good all round option.
  • Pure: Has anonymity features so you can search for FWB partners without compromising your privacy.
  • Bumble: Allows female members to initiate conversations which can be great for women looking for FWB.

If you’re part of the LGBTQ+ community Alt.com and HER are platforms that cater to alternative lifestyles and queer women respectively, so you have a safe space to explore FWB. Whatever app you choose remember clear communication about your intentions and boundaries is key to finding a compatible FWB partner.

Social Circles

Dating apps are a quick way to connect with potential FWB partners but don’t overlook the possibilities within your existing social circles. Let your friends know you’re open to casual relationships and it will make the transition when approaching a potential FWB much easier. This has the advantage of building on existing trust and familiarity. By telling your social network you’re looking for a casual relationship you’re preparing the ground for potential FWB and reducing the chances of misunderstandings.

Just be careful when exploring FWB with friends or acquaintances. Be aware of the impact on your broader social dynamics and not everyone will be comfortable or understanding of your FWB pursuits.

Social Events

Social events are a great place to meet potential FWB partners and have casual sex. Here are some types of events where people are more likely to be open to casual relationships:

  • Parties
  • Concerts
  • Art openings
  • Events for singles or alternative relationship styles

Attend these types of events to meet like minded people organically.

When at these events approach people casually and be genuinely interested in getting to know them. This will naturally lead to more personal conversations and potential FWB opportunities. Pay attention to body language and verbal cues to see if someone is interested in a FWB arrangement. If you feel a connection ask for contact details and follow up after the event to keep the connection going and explore FWB.

Starting the Conversation

Once you’ve found a potential FWB partner the next step is to start the conversation about your intentions. This can be a tricky process, requires tact, confidence and clear communication. It’s good to choose a private and comfortable setting for this conversation so both parties feel at ease. Timing is also key – you shouldn’t bring up the topic of a FWB relationship until some mutual sexual interest has been established.

Approach the conversation with a casual and confident tone will help set the tone and make it easier to talk about your desires and expectations openly. Be mindful of the timing, don’t do it during stressful or inappropriate moments for this conversation. Let’s look at some ways to bring up the topic of a FWB relationship.

Flirting and Teasing

Flirting and playful banter can help set the mood before you get into a direct conversation about a FWB relationship. Using jokes and playful comments can be a way to introduce the idea of a FWB arrangement without being awkward. Keep it light and fun and gradually steer the conversation towards more suggestive topics. Treat the topic like it’s no big deal and you’ll create a relaxed atmosphere to talk about a potential FWB. Here are some tips:

  • Compliment the other person
  • Make playful teasing comments
  • Light physical touch (e.g. touch their arm or shoulder)
  • Send flirty texts or messages
  • Use humor to create a relaxed atmosphere

Follow these tips and you’ll create a comfortable and fun environment to talk about a potential FWB.

Pay attention to the subtle cues like eye contact and light touch to create a more intimate atmosphere. Remember you want to gauge interest and open the door to a more explicit conversation about your intentions while keeping it casual and comfortable. Using the right word in your conversation can also help you connect.

Be Direct and Honest

Flirting can set the stage but at some point you need to be direct about your intentions for a FWB relationship. Honesty is key in this conversation to avoid misunderstandings and preserve the friendship part of your connection. Be clear you’re looking for a FWB situation and don’t leave any room for ambiguity that can cause confusion or hurt feelings.

Be direct and don’t send mixed signals, this will avoid confusion and ensure a clear understanding of the relationship parameters. When talking about your desires focus on expressing your own feelings and intentions rather than making assumptions about the other person’s thoughts or feelings. This way you can have an open conversation where both parties can honestly share their expectations and concerns about a FWB arrangement.

Setting Boundaries

You’ve talked about a FWB relationship and found mutual interest. Now it’s time to set boundaries. This open conversation is key to avoid misunderstandings and hurt feelings down the line. Start by talking about your expectations for the relationship, how often you want to meet, level of exclusivity and any dos and don’ts you have in mind.

Remember FWB relationships should always involve mutual consent and clearly defined boundaries, in and out of the bedroom. As you talk about boundaries make sure to cover all aspects of the relationship so both parties are comfortable and satisfied. Here are some questions to consider:

  • How often you’ll see each other
  • If you’ll see other people
  • How you’ll handle social situations where you’ll run into mutual friends or acquaintances

Also make sure to establish that either party can walk away if they want more or less from the arrangement. This will preserve the friendship part and prevent feelings of obligation or resentment. By having these open conversations about comfort levels and expectations you’re setting the foundation for a trusty and safe FWB.


Once you have a friends with benefits relationship, the next hurdle is to maintain it in a healthy and fulfilling way for both parties. Regular conversations about expectations and boundaries are key to avoid complications and make sure the arrangement still meets both parties needs. And don’t forget to prioritize safe sex and regular health check ups to protect everyone involved.

A FWB relationship requires ongoing effort, clear communication and mutual respect. Now let’s get into some tips to keep your FWB arrangement healthy, fun and drama free.

Talk Regularly

For any FWB relationship to last and be successful, open communication is key. Regular check ins about your arrangement can boost satisfaction for both parties. These conversations will allow you to:

  • Reassess and adjust your expectations as needed
  • Make sure the relationship still works for everyone involved
  • Address any concerns or issues that come up
  • Talk about boundaries and any changes in feelings or desires

Clear and honest communication will prevent misunderstandings that can kill your FWB.

Use these check ins to talk about any concerns, reaffirm boundaries or address any changes in circumstances or feelings. Remember while the relationship is casual regular communication shows respect for your partner and helps preserve the friendship part of your connection.


To keep a healthy and fulfilling FWB relationship respecting the boundaries you’ve set is key. This means sticking to the rules you’ve agreed upon for exclusivity, frequency of meets and emotional involvement. Boundaries should cover all aspects of your arrangement including how often you see each other, level of emotional intimacy and if you tell others about your relationship.

Also make sure to establish clear rules for practical things like sleepovers or if your meets will be hook ups only. By sticking to these boundaries you’re showing respect for your partner’s feelings and helping to maintain the mutual respect that’s needed for a successful FWB.

If you find your feelings or needs are changing it’s important to communicate this openly rather than push or ignore established boundaries.

Safe Sex

Safe sex is always important in any sexual relationship and even more so in FWB where partners may have other sexual contacts. This means:

  • Talking about sexual health practices and if you’ll have other partners
  • Using protection (condoms) with all partners to reduce the risk of STIs
  • Some safe sex protocols for FWB relationships are using condoms with all partners or being “fluid bonded” (no barriers) with specific trusted partners.

Regular health check ups and STI screenings are also important for physical well being in an FWB relationship. If you and your FWB decide to stop using condoms you should get tested for STIs first. Remember prioritizing sexual health not only protects you and your partner(s) but also makes for a more relaxed and enjoyable sex.

How to End an FWB Relationship

FWB relationships can be fun and fulfilling but they do have an expiration date. Whether it’s changing feelings, new life circumstances or just growing apart there will come a time when you need to end your FWB arrangement. When that happens you should have a plan in place to make the process as clean, quick and consensual as possible and avoid drama.

Kindness and a gentle tone can ease the transition and potentially preserve the friendship when approaching the situation. Giving an honest reason for ending the relationship can give closure to both parties. Let’s look at how to know when it’s time to end an FWB and how to do it.

When to End

For emotional well being and to preserve the friendship part of the relationship knowing when to end an FWB is key. Here are the signs it’s time to end the arrangement:

  • If you or your partner start to develop feelings or romantic attachment
  • If you’re experiencing unrequited feelings that aren’t being reciprocated
  • If the arrangement is affecting your emotional well being or other important relationships in your life

If any of these signs are present it’s time to re-evaluate the FWB.

Another sign it’s time to end things is if you start dating other people more seriously. Regular check ins with yourself and your partner can help you address changing feelings and expectations and make it easier to know when the FWB arrangement is no longer serving its purpose.

Have an Honest Conversation

Once you’ve decided it’s time to end the FWB relationship the next step is to have an honest conversation with your partner. Choose a neutral private place for this conversation so both parties feel comfortable and to avoid public awkwardness. When expressing your decision use “I” statements to focus on your own feelings and not assign blame. For example you might say “I feel our arrangement isn’t working for me” rather than “You’re not meeting my needs.”

Listen to your partner’s perspective during the conversation. Ask if they’re upset and give them space to express themselves. If appropriate use a self deprecating approach and take responsibility for ending the relationship. This can help soften the blow and preserve the goodwill between you and your partner.


  • Think about what you’ve learned
  • Do you want to pursue something more serious in the future or are you happy with casual relationships
  • Do self care
  • Hang out with supportive friends to help you navigate any emotions that come up during this transition.

To avoid falling back into old habits it’s often helpful to find new distractions or focus on personal growth. Take a break from casual relationships altogether to re-evaluate your needs and desires. Remember ending a FWB relationship can be an opportunity for personal growth and a chance to figure out what you really want in your romantic and sexual life.


Friends with benefits relationships can be fun and tricky. Throughout this guide we’ve covered the ins and outs of FWB arrangements from what they are to finding partners to initiating conversations to maintaining healthy dynamics to ending the relationship. The takeaways are clear: communication, honesty and respect are key in any FWB situation. It’s important to set and maintain boundaries, prioritize safe sex and check in with yourself and your partner regularly about expectations and feelings. Remember FWB relationships can be a unique combination of physical intimacy and friendship without the commitment of a romantic relationship but they require careful navigation to be successful and enjoyable for all. As you consider trying or continuing a FWB arrangement keep these in mind and always put your emotional and physical well being first. With the right approach and mindset a friends with benefits relationship can be a great addition to your life.


How do I know if I’m ready for a friends with benefits relationship?

You’ll know you’re ready for a friends with benefits relationship if you’re comfortable with casual intimacy, can separate emotions from physical interaction and can communicate openly about your needs and boundaries. Just be honest with yourself about your emotional capacity for this type of arrangement.

Can a friends with benefits relationship become romantic?

Yes a friends with benefits relationship can become romantic but communicate your feelings with your partner and be prepared for either outcome.

How often should I see my FWB partner?

See your FWB partner as often as you both are comfortable with and can fit into your schedules. Communicate and find a frequency that works for both of you without creating expectations for a more committed relationship.

Can I have multiple FWB partners at the same time?

Yes you can have multiple FWB partners but honesty and safe sex are key. Not everyone may be comfortable with this arrangement so respect their boundaries.

How do I keep the friendship after ending a FWB relationship?

Give each other space and then focus on the friendship while avoiding situations that may lead to sexual tension. It will take time for both of you to adjust to the new dynamic.